Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fighting for Principles? Dont forget to live up to those!!

Heya again ! This one is again a 30 minute attempt on something which I feel is the easiest to say but most difficult to implement. I wrote this to improve myself on this aspect of life and I would be glad if it changes even 1% of the way you approach your life after this ...

There is a simple but profound saying which goes like this – “A person not living up to his own words is not deemed to be a MAN”. It lays the foundation of the very existence of truth in this world and this very quote leads to the explanation of success of the greatest reformers the world civilization has ever seen. Their success in changing the outlook of this world sits on only one important thing – They knew how to stand by what they are rooting for and they knew how to lead by example!!

The rich Indian history in itself is a proof to this very fact. From the Rajas and the emperors to the sultans and ruling Britisher’s, the only way to stamp their authority over this vast spread of humanity was by sticking to their words. Many found it difficult and many succumbed to its immense pressure leading to their decline. The major difficulty faced by a person in these situations is nothing but the level of trust he has developed on his soul. It often lets him down and renders him powerless at the time when he needs it the most. That is why we have a person like “Mahatma” taking birth only once in a lifetime. He embodies an ocean of strength, unmatchable to the lesser mortals – don’t get me wrong, he was not a Mike Tyson but he had it in him to fight and win on mental strength against any living soul existing on the planet. He was someone who stood by his teachings and was the one who “did present his left cheek when he got smacked on his right one in front of the English” to preach non-violence, his only weapon through which he won his country back from the ruthless whites.

It is not easy to be a Mahatma and it is not easy to dream like him even, but the bottom line remains - it is most difficult to stick and live up to the principles which you are rooting for.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Globalization and its effect on cultural Integrity

Friends I chose this topic because I would like each one of you to spare a thought on this. One could write on this for hours but this is what I could express by time bounding myself to just 30 minutes.

Globalization is a path towards an improved economy, a stable government, and may be even towards a peaceful democracy but it is definitely not a healer to the deteriorating culture in a history enriched nation. It is something which has to handled with care when implemented amongst the people who worship their culture and boast it to the entire world.

Nowadays, it is worth noting that the most simple and the precise logic followed by a country aspiring to stamp its authority gloablly, is by following the footsteps of the world leaders themselves. From my experience of almost 22 yrs in India, I am now aware of the little tit bits and the mentality of an Indian commoner. It is the truth which no one can deny, that we try to mimic the west from the things we wear in our personal life to the improvement targets we set for ourselves in our professional life. Let me highlight this claim here by presenting few common day issues which rock India day in and day out.

Obscenity onscreen and off screen is the hottest topic which the Indian media wants to get its hand on because in fact this has not been accepted by the Indian public yet. A kiss to express love onscreen, as done in Hollywood, if shown to the Indian public generates a roar in the entire country. Our culture limits these things by not allowing it to go public. People are not found showing their intimacy in this land of "Kamasutra". The newer generation abandons the restrictions laid by our culture and tries to act modern by immitating the west, in effect destroying the uniqueness established by our culture and disrespecting the elders who have guarded the Indian tradition for centuries. Gay rights is another such bomb which has exploded in India in the last year or so. Seeing the public becoming open minded in the west makes us think that we are bounding ourselves by not allowing our mind to broaden its horizon. But the fact remains that apart from the few who vote for this change, majority in India would hate to see a man hitting on another in a night club.

Americanisation has really taken its toll on the highly cherished Indian culture and continues to rock its backbone with every passing day.